007: Seven Insanely Simple Ways to Get Your Podcast in Front Of 90% of Listeners
SelfPubEmpire Podcast
Season 1 Episode 007
51% of podcast listeners have a household income of at least $75,000. On top of that 61% of podcast listeners have a 4-year college degree. In comparison, only 44% of the entire population has a 4-year degree. Podcasting is a huge opportunity compared to blogging. If possible, do both.
According to Yahoo finance as of Aug 2023, Spotify has 515 million users. That’s #1 in users for a streaming service, so yes, being on spotify as a podcaster is a big deal. However…
Apple podcasts. Apple has 88 Million users. Might not be the most users, BUT, it has a huge portion of the podcasts being streamed. As of September 2022, WiredClip reported that Apple podcasts has 47+ million downloads of podcasts and 39.3% of all podcast listeners. Spotify held the #2 spot with 31+ million downloads and 26.6% of listeners. The term Podcast came from the Apple iPod of course.
Amazon Music Podcasts and Audible. Amazon Music is big. According to Yahoo finance as of Aug 2023, it has 82.2 million users.
Google podcasts Manager. Google podcasts is used by 2.5% of podcast listeners. And now the landscape there is changing… I went ahead and signed up anyway.
iHeartRadio. Simple signup.
Overcast; Manual addition via: https://overcast.fm/add
PocketCasts. No sign up needed. Just link submission.
Radiopublic. No account nor social login is needed for folks to start listening. Surprising number of tools for growing a podcast. Stat they quote is radiopublic listen for 72 minutes per day.
How much coverage does this give your podcast? I would estimate pretty close to 90% of listeners. Considering the big four, Spotify, Apple, Amazon and Google, should be that or higher.
https://podcasters.amazon.com/promotional-toolsPromo Cards for Marketing for Spotify
https://promocards.byspotify.com/podcasters?type=show&id=1gbKmXEx6mk4rJqvcifc9IApple Podcast Marketing Tools
Edited with Resound