001: The Three Things All Creators Have in Common
SelfPubEmpire Podcast
✨🎨 Creating magic, one project at a time!
1. You love to create.
2. You want your creations to have reach.
3. You like vanity metrics but what you really want is to go from posts to profit.
These things unite creators and the strategies for online marketing, self publishing and online content all tend to be very, very similar. Join me on a journey as we start out with the selfpubempire podcast!
In this first episode of the SelfPubEmpire Podcast KB is going to introduce the show and talk about what all creators that are serious about business have in common. KB does not shy away from talking about his mistakes in his creative pursuits that include books, ebooks and online marketing. It's a fast paced and fun introduction for anyone that wants to go from "Posts to Profit."
Listening to this podcast should provide some value. I would call it ROI / ROT (Return on Investment or Return on Time). I hope that it does so. Content creators wanting to get serious about their work should start creating a complimentary Content Value Stream. This consistent, free outlet should drive folks to your work and provide something they appreciate.
Speaking of consistency did you know that Disctopia reported that most podcasts fail after three episodes? https://disctopia.com/why-podcasts-fail/
If you love to create and want to make an impact and reach more people, journey with me in this world of content creation.